Sunday, 9 December 2012


Why am i making a post about faults? Because it's Sunday and Sunday is whatever I want. So I would like to talk about faults because I have a lot of them. Want a list? OKAY!

1. Over confidence.
2. Under confident.
3. Extremely uncoordinated
4. Easily pressured
5. Craving the spotlight
6. Always wanting to be popular
7. I hate sports.
8. I can never fall asleep, ever
9. anxiety
10. I hate the dark. I HATE IT.

So yes I have faults, everyone does! The point of this is that in some of our subscribers eyes we are considered celebrities ,which is extremely nice by the way, which means you might think of us as "perfect" but I just want you guys to know, we aren't. No one is no matter what social media and media says. BUT, on the other side everyone has good things about themselves also! So if you are ever feeling sad, upset, sducidal, or even just annoyed I have a way that you can stop that. Make a list of everything you are good at. EVERYTHING! Let your confidence fly! Let it go, no one will judge you and say laugh. So here is my list.

1. Caring
2. Nice
3. Smart at school
4. Good at piano
5. A great writer
6. A talented artist
7. A talented actor
8. A good editor
9. Some what attractive
10. Loving

So yah. If you are ever feeling down visit our youtube channel and send us a message. We will help you. and use this list thing also. It helps a lot.

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