Wednesday, 19 December 2012

I am upset and want to make the world a better place.

Hi guys, I had a great idea for today but honestly I am just sad, about the shooting, gun laws, and just a bunch of stuff. So basically I want to take my anger and help the world, make it a better place. So today I did a small good thing. My janitor, Lisa is under appreciated by my school. When they call her down to the office the call her "janitor" HONESTLY can you not learn her name! Anyways today a part of the hallway was showered in ribbons, I watched Lisa walk up to the hallway and sigh, I went up to her a offered to clean the hallway for her, she smiled and thanked me. She was extremely happy I felt good.  So yah thats my story.

Also yesterday was project for awesome and I made a video for it, basically went you comment money gets donated, also if you go to the website and vote my video up a part of the money gets donated to my charity. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO WATCH AND DONATE! Also we will be donating are Adsense account money from now to JAnuary 17 to WWF, so WATCH OUR VIDEOS and you donate to animals!! Also the vlogbrothers commented on my video so basically  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZggGGGGGDAHGSHVFGH SVNBVCFDGHMBVCXDFSFHGJBNVCXDFGHMBVCXDGSDHYFJGHVCXDZFSTYFJGHVCFXDSRTYUGHFDSRWE$R%TYHUGFDTERT^Y*HIUR%^&Y*UIHGFDRTE%$R^&YHIUJBVGCFXESR$E%R^THUJBHGCFXDSERDTHIJKNBHVGCFTDRY^THUBNVCFGHBJNV CDFXRTHBDGXTRBHVGCFDRT^YHUJBGFRTYGHJ...... jhgFNSbavcghjdfbgjknmchjkvfndmsbghvjnghvbfrnghjvbnfch jnvmgbvchjkfmtrfghvcujkfmjhvcikxmvcnjkmdf,v  OMG!!!! THANKS

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