In the 14 century (1300) a horrible disease attacked and destroyed 25 million people in Europe, Africa, and Asia. But we will focus today on Europe. So basically the disease was though to be carried to Europe from merchants arriving from Asia. It started in big cities like Florence, Venice, London, ext since in the cities people were packed closer together and transmitted the Black Death easier. Also there were more rats in the cities which carried to sickness. Symptoms started with small red rings along with bumps filled with puss (EWWWWWWW). Then the ill would get high fevers and later die a painful death. People didn't understand what was happening, they thought it was a punishment from God, or something to do with the stars alignment. They would keep flowers with them, thinking the fresh oder would protect themselves, alas it didn't. Whole families and villages were wiped of the map, leaving dead bodies and ash in the streets. It was a scary and horrible time that took a third of the population of Europe. But why did this illness hit so hard? Well firstly in the middle ages they basically had no hygiene, no baths, no hand washing, no dental care, they would be lucky to clean themselves once a month, if even. And they didn't have the technology to create a cure, they though it was because of the planets......of course they couldn't find a cure.... So what were the consequences of the black death next to well death? Well we understand the negative consequences but are there any positive ones? Yes. So because of the bubonic plague a lot of workers died, the plague created amazing job opportunities for the living. It basically broke through the feudalism system and started a new way of thinking. Humanism was also starting to become an idea which sparked the renaissance which will be next Wednesday's topic!!!!
Awesome buddy.