Monday, 12 November 2012

Rant.#1: Annoying Teachers

Good morning for those of you who are up! It's monday and 10 am. This is another reason why I hate mondays. Usually I have school today but the days off (praise the Lord) so my whole sleeping schedule  is messed up. I got up at TEN! Think about it TEN. You can probably put together that I usually sleep in. Anyways let us enter the rant........

Okay so today I will be ranting about teachers. Okay first of all some are great (ahaha just kidding) THEY ALL SUCK! Well not actually my social teacher and math are nice. Personally some teachers drive me crazy because they have higher authority over you and they defiantly take advantage of that privilege.  Like when they won't let you leave the class to even use the washroom! On time one of my teachers told us to start training our bladders! How do you train your bladder????? My bladder isn't a friggen Seaworld dolphin! I digress, also I hate the teachers that are too strict, one of my teachers is a good example. One time my friend and I were done our work and doing a crossword puzzle I accidentally ripped her corner and it went downhill from there. Well eventually my friend just ripped my paper in half and we both were laughing, keep in mind the whole class was being loud also. Anyways for getting my paper ripped she almost suspended my friend and I. SUSPENDED. I hate you teacher. 
Remember how I said I hate strict teacher? Well it goes to other way also. I am not fond of teachers who don't care, because then you learn nothing. I swear you could bring a zebra into the class and the teacher wouldn't care or notice. So I guess you need a healthy medium. We also have crazy teachers. One time my teacher pulled out a random tomato from her pocket and was like hmm where did this tomoato come from? Like wth!!! Also one of my teachers eats orange peels and raw soup? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD? So that was my rant for today, sorry for the anger. Tomorrow I will be posting opinions on...... you will see tomorrow!!! Anyways bye, and check out our youtube. And what I'm doing today? Going to the mall I think (yeah!) 

P.s Even with all this craziness I managed honours? I am just as puzzled as you are!

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