Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Opinion 1# American Politics

Hi internet friends and how are you today? I have had a pretty eventful day with my friend Alaska. We filmed a video so check out that also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMcZkl2fRMg&feature=plcp. Anyways on with my opinion on......... POLITICS!!!

Even though I am Canadian I will not talk about Canadian politic because 1. They are boring and 2. No one cares not even Canadians.  But American politics are so much more interesting. They are almost comical. I am a conservative democrat which means I believe in equal right for everyone. I also think the environment does matter and we shouldn't overlook it. Like the Native Americans believe "Think seven generations ahead of you before making any decisions." I don't have any idea who I'm quoting but I added the " " to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about. Anyways back to the politics I believe that American politics are stupid because they make it seem like the world is black and white with only two options. It's stupid. Also the independent parties are basically unknown. That's the only good thing about Canadian Parties, there is options that are shown and know of! Liberal, Conservative, Bloc- Quebecois, NDP, Green party, SO MANY PARTIES!!! Also in American Politics you are allowed only two terms as president, which I find unfair, if someone is a great politician then they should stay as long as they are re elected every term. For instance Obama was handed a broken country and it takes more than eight years for him to fix a messed up nation (I love you Americans anyway though!!!!). This is starting to turn into a rant more than opinion so let's end this now.

My Opinion in a grade (American Politics): C+
But maybe Obama's American can bump it up to an A

If you want more watch this video?
Click for Video

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